I decided to create this page as a resource for those who choose to support their practice through their dietary choices. I hope it's also useful for people who simply want to incorporate plant based meals more frequently. Though a vegetarian diet isn’t absolutely necessary in order to practice yoga; it is a wonderful way to support asana and meditation practices as well as a beautiful practice of compassion to extend toward the creatures whom with we share our planet!
Having lived a vegetarian lifestyle for 12+ years I understand how challenging it can be to keep up the good work of eating a plant based diet. I also understand the ennui that can come about after you look at your pile of produce and think: NOW WHAT?
My hope is to offer you simple recipes and ideas that you can incorporate into your lifestyle and maybe even fall back on from time to time when you face the “now what?” hurdle.
So we'll see how this goes. Maybe you'll join the discussion and help post ideas for compassionate cooking too or maybe the conversation will evolve. I'm thinking of adding other plant based diet "tips" from time to time to for those who may be just getting started. Please interact if you have any questions I may be able to help with. But for this first entry let's get going with a yummy recipe!!!
Having lived a vegetarian lifestyle for 12+ years I understand how challenging it can be to keep up the good work of eating a plant based diet. I also understand the ennui that can come about after you look at your pile of produce and think: NOW WHAT?
My hope is to offer you simple recipes and ideas that you can incorporate into your lifestyle and maybe even fall back on from time to time when you face the “now what?” hurdle.
So we'll see how this goes. Maybe you'll join the discussion and help post ideas for compassionate cooking too or maybe the conversation will evolve. I'm thinking of adding other plant based diet "tips" from time to time to for those who may be just getting started. Please interact if you have any questions I may be able to help with. But for this first entry let's get going with a yummy recipe!!!

Warm Radichio and Spinach Salad:
Note: making the garlic chips (1st step) is a little time consuming but it gives the salad pizazz! Also I used fresh tomatoes in this. Yes you could used canned ones but I'll have other recipes that will include shortcuts later on.
You will need:
2. Heat oil for tomatoes (I used olive and cooked at a lower temp nice and slow) and add the tomatoes cut side down. Cook them until they start to soften, then turn over until the skin starts to brown and/or soften. Transfer them to a bowl to cool then peel the skins and mash 'em up with a fork.
3. To make the dressing: whisk together about half of the tomatoes, a splash of olive oil, 2 dashes of vinegar and a splash of honey
4. Trim the stems from the lettuce. Wash it, dry it and chop coarsely.
5. Add a bit more oil to the pan (I went back to coconut now for higher heat but you don't have to switch back and forth like me:) and add the onion. Cook until it's transparent. Then add the spinach and the rest of the tomatoes and add some salt and pepper and cook until the lettuce wilts.
6. Add the radicchio to the spinach mixture and toss it through. The radicchio doesn't need to cook down; let it stay crisp.
7. Transfer the mix to a large bowl and cover with the dressing. Serve warm and top with garlic chips. YUM!!!!
Note: making the garlic chips (1st step) is a little time consuming but it gives the salad pizazz! Also I used fresh tomatoes in this. Yes you could used canned ones but I'll have other recipes that will include shortcuts later on.
You will need:
- oil - I used both coconut (my typical go to) and olive
- one head of garlic or approx 6-8 cloves, slice them think like little chips
- 6-8 roma tomatoes, cored and halved
- red or white wine vinegar and honey (to make dressing)
- 1 onion halved and sliced
- fresh spinach - I used about 3/4 of one large bunch but a whole bunch would be good
- 1 head radicchio lettuce - rip it into medium sized pieces
2. Heat oil for tomatoes (I used olive and cooked at a lower temp nice and slow) and add the tomatoes cut side down. Cook them until they start to soften, then turn over until the skin starts to brown and/or soften. Transfer them to a bowl to cool then peel the skins and mash 'em up with a fork.
3. To make the dressing: whisk together about half of the tomatoes, a splash of olive oil, 2 dashes of vinegar and a splash of honey
4. Trim the stems from the lettuce. Wash it, dry it and chop coarsely.
5. Add a bit more oil to the pan (I went back to coconut now for higher heat but you don't have to switch back and forth like me:) and add the onion. Cook until it's transparent. Then add the spinach and the rest of the tomatoes and add some salt and pepper and cook until the lettuce wilts.
6. Add the radicchio to the spinach mixture and toss it through. The radicchio doesn't need to cook down; let it stay crisp.
7. Transfer the mix to a large bowl and cover with the dressing. Serve warm and top with garlic chips. YUM!!!!