Notes: I recently came across some amazing looking organic Poblano peppers and I whipped this idea up. It's incredibly simple. Another day I did it again with bell peppers so there is always room to be creative and flexible. I created this recipe using Quorn brand crumbles as "beef" and I made half without cheese and half with Daiya brand "cheeze". The "meat" could easily be substituted for beans for added simplicity and fiber. If you're into dairy you could use a cheese of your choice. You could also add other chopped vegetables like squash or add some corn.
You will need:
You will need:
- oil
- garlic - today I used chopped prepared organic garlic from a jar
- 1 cup cooked brown rice - for simplicity you could make the rice the day before
- approx. 2 fresh chopped tomatoes
- onion - I used yellow onion and chopped about 1/2 of one
- spices: salt, cumin, chili powder
- protein filling of your choice - frozen Quorn crumbles are fast and delicious but use beans or TVP...etc.
- cheese or non dairy cheese is optional
- fresh or pickled jalapenos are optional
- Prepare the Peppers. Slice lengthwise in half and remove the seeds and insides. You can give them a little rinse inside too. Preheat the oven to 425.
- Heat some oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic.
- Sautee until the onions are slightly translucent
- Add the "beef" and season with the salt, cumin, and chili powder. I consider cooking to be more of an art than a science (which is why I don't bake much!!) so season to taste.
- Mix to cover all ingredients with spices and then add the tomato.
- Allow the tomato to become soft but it doesn't need to cook down all the way.
- Set the peppers inside a baking dish and dole the mixture out evenly among the peppers.
- Cover with cheese if you choose. I also topped them with pickled jalapenos because that's how I roll!
- Place them in the oven now. They will probably bake in about 30 minutes. You can tell when they're done because the pepper's skins will start to brown and soften.
- Serve with beans of your choice and salad.
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